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Delay cream & Lube
How to last longer in bed?
There is nothing worse then peaking to soon. When you are at the hight of enjoying yourself you want this feeling to last for a while, right? This for you our own satisfaction but certainly also for you partner in crime. On this page we have a delay spray for men plus creams that will answer the how to last longer in bed question. The stud Delay Spray and creams are very popular and for good reason, they seem to actually work. Our selection is not massive, we have only added those products on our store that have been tested and received positive feedback. We buy our products direct which means we can offer you the best prices, it also ensures you have the genuine product and not a fake one. We also have customers that chose the penis sheath option as they reduce the sensation a little which will make you last longer. If you want to have a look at our selection please click this link, cock sheath.