
(also known as; Odourisers, Room Odourisers, Amyl Nitrate).
Aromas have been used as a sexual enhancer on the gay scene for many years; the sweet scents and aromas are perfect for relaxing the body. By breathing in the smells, your body will slowly start to feel calm and comfortable making sex easier and more enjoyable. Also, whilst your body feels relaxed, so you’re your mind due to the effect of aromas on your senses. Gay guys claim they start to feel a little bit tingly and as a result of aromas their sex drive hit the roof!

Our customers claim aromas give them an extremely pleasurable experience and greatly enhance sexual pleasure. To use simply, remove the childproof cap and allow the aroma to form. Aromas are the perfect companion whilst watching your favourite porn film and a wank, whilst using your favourite gay sex toy or during anal intercourse.

At esmale we sell a great range of aromas and odourisers, including popular brands used on the club scene and the gay scene for decades. Although, aromas are legally available on the gay sex toy market, aromas are still a controversial sexual aid. Rumours abound regarding their alleged illegality and possible detrimental health effects. And as with most rumours, it's largely nonsense.

We have an extensive range of aromas at esmale, and if one is not enough you’ll appreciate our great value multi-packs, so you can get more bang for your buck when you shop for aromas at esmale. Plus, we are pleased to announce that the bestselling Rush aroma is back! Now bigger and better than ever Rush aroma returns after having a makeover. The new Rush contains a new UK approved potent formula.

This aroma measures 10ml, contains isopropyl nitrite and comes in a bright yellow bottle with new improved safety cap.

Odourisers – see Aromas
Room Odourisers – see Aromas
Amyl Nitrate – see Aromas
Poppers – see Aromas