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hybrid anal lube
Make you action tasty with flavoured lube. It has never tasted this good.
hybrid anal lube
In many ways this is the perfect lube for all occasions. Hybrid anal lube is a combination of silicone and water based lube. The great thing about these lubes is that there is just enough silicone in it to make it last a lot longer yet not enough so you can also use it with sex toys.
Most silicone lubes are not are not suitable with sex toys, it will damage some them. Which for a lot of customers can be frustrating as silicone lube stay wet for longer than water based lube. These Hybrid lubes are the perfect balance between the two. Spunk lube is the best seller closely followed by Lubido and Mister B Load. To add some extr value to our offerings we have included some multi pack which work out cheaper per bottle.