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Delay Spray & Cream
Here you will find some of the best delay Spray for men UK on one page.
Best delay Spray for men UK
Not many things are more frustrating than your adult fun being cut short because you were so excited you finished early. Our delay spray for men collection is second to none, it might not be the biggest range but why have more if what you have is working?
From best-selling stud delay spray and cream to V-XL Delay spray 100, all excellent products. On this page we have also included some anal numbing lube and gels. These are not specialist delay products but do include numbing qualities that could assist in you lasting longer. If you are going to use a lube you might as well use these if duration and lasting longer is what you are after.
Have a look around and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Pjur Backdoor Comfort Water Anal Glide - (100ml)Special Price £11.19 Regular Price £15.99Out of stock